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Examining COVID-19’s Impact on Gen Z and Millennials

December, 2020

How will the Pandemic play a role in shaping the lives of Gen Z and Millennials? Edge Research recently joined Georgetown University’s Business for Impact AgingWell Hub in examining the Pandemic’s impact on young adults — from their personal outlook, delay of major life milestones, and the financial impact.

Edge Research designed and fielded the survey among 2,200 adult Gen Z (age 18-23) and Millennials (age 24-39) in July 2020. The survey uncovers and explores college students’ FOMO, fear of missing out, as their campus experiences are curtailed; Millennial parents feeling the strain more than their childless counterparts; and a disproportionate financial impact being felt by young women. How will these events be formative in shaping the collective attitudes and values of today’s young adults, and set them on their financial and career trajectories, as they come of age during the Pandemic? Read the full report: